Can Dogs Eat Celery? See What The Dog Experts Say

Last Updated: 2 years ago

There has been an ardent debate on giving dogs fresh fruits and vegetables as part of their diet.

Some vets are all for it and recommend fresh greens as a daily staple while others opine that too many greens can disturb the delicate digestive systems in pooches.

As pet parents, this does little to reduce the conundrum.

So, what’s the final call? Can dogs eat celery and other fresh greens?

The answer is yes!

The Perks of Celery in Doggies

The Perks of Celery in Doggies

Celery is one of the most nutrient dense natural foods in the world. It is low in calories, packed with dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, K, B6, riboflavin, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. That’s a potent vitamin, mineral and antioxidants blend.

Not only does it protect your dog’s system from free radical damage, it also keeps their coat looking young and healthy. The minerals in celery strengthen bones, while it has also been known to keep blood pressure in check.

The fact that it does not contain any dietary cholesterol makes this one of the best natural foods for both humans and pets.

How Much Celery Can Dogs Eat?

How Much Celery Can Dogs Eat?

But as always, the key lies in moderation. According to vets, celery should be considered as a treat and not as a primary food ingredient. And treats are best when reduced to less than 10% of a dog’s daily food intake.

So, if you are giving your dog an occasional treat every day, one of those treats can be celery. The finite quantity will provide the much needed nutritional benefits while keeping the risks to the minimum.

What Are The Risks of Giving Dogs Celery?

The good news is that Celery is mostly considered safe for dogs. It has minimum risks associated with it. The most notable one is the risk of choking which can easily be negated by chopping up the celery into small parts.

Also, there is no risk even if you feed the celery raw provided that you buy organic. Let your dogs enjoy the crunch without the risks of pesticides because mass-produced celery contains notorious amounts of toxic pesticides.

It is a good idea though to introduce celery gradually into your pooch’s diet to see if there are any untoward reactions. If your pet finds it difficult to digest celery raw, you can give them cooked celery instead which will still retain a lot of the nutrients.

Digestive problems usually reveal themselves in a span of hours. If your dog shows any symptoms, like uneasiness, diarrhea or lethargy, then speak to your vet immediately and control the portion sizes.

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