Can Dogs Eat Cashews? Can You Give Them to Your Dog?

Last Updated: 2 years ago

Most pet parents these days like to implement good eating habits for their pets.

Many a times, they make the mistake of assuming that what’s good for them can be good for their pets as well. However, there’s a huge difference in the digestive system of a human and that of a canine, which I am sure you all would agree to.

One of these ‘good foods’ that often gets extended to the dogs plate is nuts. It can be any one of the popular nuts consumed by humans, including peanuts, hazelnuts or cashew nuts.

Google ‘Dogs and Nuts’ and you’d get a ton of literature about the topic. That’s because millions of people search for it each day. It’s a nutty world indeed. Bad pun!

Today, we discuss cashews and the pros and cons of feeding your dog cashew nuts. If you have ever wondered whether that occasional cashew nut treat was harmless, then here’s the answer.

Are Cashews Safe For Dogs?

Yes, they generally are. But like anything that goes into my dog’s plate, I like to keep it limited to small portions once in a while. Cashew nuts are an excellent crunchy treat and most dogs would love to gulp them down by the dozen.

But keep it limited and ensure that it’s not salted or seasoned. It must be roasted however. Unroasted cashews tend to trigger digestive ailments in some dogs. That may mostly be due to the high fat content in cashews.

What is The Nutritive Value For Cashews For Dogs?

What is The Nutritive Value For Cashews For Dogs?

Cashews are a great source of protein. Also, they contain loads of dietary fiber, iron, magnesium, calcium as well as antioxidants.

On the flip side, they are loaded with calories and fats which means that even a few of these can quickly add up to a significant amount. Apart from the pancreatitis that excessive fatty foods can cause in dogs, cashews also contain a significant amount of phosphorus.

Once again, in moderation, that’s great for your pet. But in excess, the phosphorus can lead to mineral deposits which in turn are one of the main causes of kidney stones in dogs.

An overdose of phosphorus can also lead to calcium deficiency in pets which in turn contributes towards osteoporosis. In large sized dogs, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are one of the leading causes of disability in the later stages of their lives.

And it goes without saying that salted cashews are a big no because of the copious amounts of sodium that it contains.

Possible Allergic Reactions

Possible Allergic Reactions

Cashews and other nuts may also trigger allergic reactions in some dogs. However, this will be obvious the first time you give your dog a cashew treat. Along with diarrhea and vomiting, the dog will also become lethargic and in rare cases, it may also trigger hives.

If your dog is showing signs of an allergic reaction, then contact your vet immediately and I guess that will also answer your question of whether cashews or other nuts are allowed for your dog.

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