200+ German Shepherd Names For Your Beautiful Canine Friend

Last Updated: 9 months ago

Congratulations! You have just become a dog owner, often referred to as a pet parent.

One of your first responsibilities to your German Shepherd puppy is to give him or her a good name. There are a variety of popular German Shepherd names for puppies that you can choose from.

It is also important to consider your German Shepherd pup’s personality when choosing a name. Of course, your pup needs some fun too; check out our selection of the best toys for him or her.

You can name your dog any name you would like. However, keep in mind that if you plan to register your dog with a kennel club, the breeder may have specific rules regarding the name.

It is wise to ask the breeder at the moment you get your pup in order to adhere to their guidelines. Let’s explore some popular German Shepherd names for your males and females.

Female German Shepherd Names

female german shepherd names

Your precious baby girl, the German Shepherd, needs a name that is going to express her unique personality.

While some female German Shepherds are shy and friendly, others can be spunky and energetic.

The following names are some of the most popular female German Shepherd names that will help you on your journey of naming your pup.

  1. Angel
  2. Aaliyah
  3. Aba
  4. Abbagail
  5. Annabelle
  6. Abey
  7. Ashley
  8. Athena
  9. Annie
  10. Anya
  11. Alexandra
  12. Amber
  13. Asia
  14. Ava
  15. Autumn
  16. Blair
  17. Baba
  18. Blondie
  19. Bonnie
  20. Brandy
  21. Belle
  22. Brownie
  23. Breeze
  24. Buttercup
  25. Chloe
  26. Cassie
  27. Cleopatra
  28. Champagne
  29. Coco
  30. Coral
  31. Charm
  32. Cookie
  33. Cuddles
  34. Courtney
  35. Chocolate
  36. Diamond
  37. Daphne
  38. Dixie
  39. Dawn
  40. Destiny
  41. Dutchess
  42. Desiree
  43. Elle
  44. Elsa
  45. Elexis
  46. Erika
  47. Evita
  48. Faith
  49. Flower
  50. Foxy
  51. Fluffy
  52. Finger
  53. Gloria
  54. Gwen
  55. Gretel
  56. Helena
  57. Hedi
  58. Heaven
  59. Hailey
  60. Isabella
  61. Jasmine
  62. Jewel
  63. Kiki
  64. Kasha
  65. Krissy
  66. Lucy
  67. Lady
  68. Lovely
  69. Lexus
  70. Leena
  71. Marie
  72. Millie
  73. Mia
  74. Maxie
  75. Missy
  76. Muffet
  77. Meodow
  78. Mya
  79. Nikita
  80. Nancy
  81. Nora
  82. Olive
  83. Opal
  84. Petra
  85. Puddles
  86. Princess
  87. Pumpkin
  88. Queen
  89. Roxy
  90. Rachel
  91. Ruby
  92. Rose
  93. Roxanne
  94. Sara
  95. Sady
  96. Sabrina
  97. Sage
  98. Tasia
  99. Tamra
  100. Taffy
  101. Ursula
  102. Violet
  103. Venus
  104. Val

Male German Shepherd Names

male german shepherd names

Your German Shepherd boy should have a good, strong name that is quick and easy to say, as well as one that expresses his character.

The following names are the most popular male German Shepherds names for your boy dog:

  1. Armageddon
  2. Axel
  3. Agustus
  4. Apollo
  5. Ace
  6. Atlas
  7. Boris
  8. Bones
  9. Boomer
  10. Branson
  11. Boots
  12. Bruno
  13. Captain
  14. Caleb
  15. Caesar
  16. Comet
  17. Cain
  18. Casanova
  19. Duke
  20. Dino
  21. Dimitri
  22. Dakota
  23. Epic
  24. Ernie
  25. Fletch
  26. Falcon
  27. Fudge
  28. Flash
  29. Fido
  30. Furball
  31. Fireball
  32. Freddy
  33. Gusto
  34. Grover
  35. Goliath
  36. Hawk
  37. Hudson
  38. Hercules
  39. Harley
  40. Hammer
  41. Higgins
  42. Hansel
  43. Indigo
  44. Jack
  45. Josh
  46. Keanu
  47. Kip
  48. Kuma
  49. Larry
  50. Lucas
  51. Mister
  52. Max
  53. Major
  54. Monkey
  55. Maui
  56. Marshall
  57. Mason
  58. Matrix
  59. Milo
  60. Nova
  61. Neutron
  62. Nugget
  63. Newton
  64. Napoleon
  65. Oakley
  66. Omar
  67. Owen
  68. Otto
  69. Orion
  70. Omega
  71. Polo
  72. Pepper
  73. Prince
  74. Pugsley
  75. Pluto
  76. Popeye
  77. Romeo
  78. Radar
  79. Rudy
  80. Ross
  81. Rocky
  82. Rusty
  83. Renegade
  84. Rex
  85. Ruckus
  86. Roofus
  87. Sunny
  88. Scrappy
  89. Scooby
  90. Skipper
  91. Spud
  92. Scruffy
  93. Tarzan
  94. Thor
  95. Tzar
  96. Tornado
  97. Triple
  98. Val
  99. Viper
  100. Vodka
  101. Viking
  102. Wilson
  103. Wizard
  104. Yoda
  105. Yang
  106. Yogi
  107. Zorro
  108. Zade
  109. Zeus
  110. Zohar
  111. Zodiac

Basic Commands for German Shepherds

training your german shepherd

Now that you have accomplished the task of naming your German Shepherd, you will want to explore a variety of commands that are useful to teach your GSD.

While most dog owners will enjoy training their dog using basic sit, come, and stay commands in their native language, other dog owners may want to stay with tradition and learn a few German commands.

You don’t have to speak German fluently, but it is essential that you understand and know the command properly so that you can teach your dog the proper reaction to your German verbal command.

Below is the English word compared to the German translation. You will want to only use the German word when training your dog in order to avoid confusion.

  • Sit-Sitz
  • Heel-Fuss
  • Leave it, Lass es
  • Down- Platz
  • Come, Hier
  • Stay, Blieb
  • Bite-Fass
  • Stand-Steh
  • Fetch: Bring
  • Jump, Hop
  • Guard: Pass auf
  • Track: Such
  • Out-Aus
  • Hunt, Revier
  • Speak, Gib Laut

Dog owners should use these words in combination with hand signals when possible.

German Shepherds are highly intelligent, and you can communicate with them through body movements and verbal words.

You should never shout the words, but instead, say them with strength and leadership.

It is wise to teach German dog commands to your pup or dog as soon as you bring him or her home. This will help them adapt to the new language.

Many dog owners become concerned if they speak to their German Shepherd in two different languages. You should not worry since the majority of your obedience training is done in German.

Final Word

As long as your dog understands the German verbal words and corresponds correctly to each command, it is not necessary to train your dog in another language.

However, you can praise your dog verbally in your native language in order to genuinely express your praise for your German Shepherd’s positive behavior.

German dog commands should be used by everyone who lives in the household at all times in order to prevent confusion for your dog.


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